Saturday, January 27, 2024

Y2K- Who Knew Where We Would Be Almost a Quarter Century Later

 Here we are almost to the end of January, 2024. How can this be? Wasn’t it only yesterday that we were all convinced Y2K was going to wreck us? Twenty four years later, a lot of loss, a lot of growing families, and a lot of new wrinkles have come into our lives. There are now adults who were not even born to know that so many of us were terrified of what the year 2000 would bring. Little did we know that 2020 was going to be the real world disrupter. Guess we didn’t have 20/2o vision of the future in 1999. There are families who have kiddos born in the 1900s as well as in the new millenium. Crazy!

So perhaps it would be good to reflect back on the last twenty four years of our lives and rejoice in the gifts and embrace the pain of loss that also occurred. Who knew what the past couple decades were going to hold for us? Looking forward it is hard to consider what the next almost quarter century will hold. We can easily get caught up in the brokenness of our world and even ourselves. Or we can choose to count our blessings and how God has brought us through even the darkest storms. It occurs to me that although many of my family members are now residing in heaven, our family has also added spouses, grandkids, birth family members, and even a great grandkiddo or two. If we do the math our additions count more than what was subtracted. After all, when a loved one dies they don’t leave our hearts only our arms. There love and laughter remain a part of us always. It is also nice that even in the nineteen hundreds we had the ability to capture their laughter on devices that were not as sophisticated as we have now. 

In my late sixties there are no guarantees I will be here in my early nineties that would take me to the next twenty four years. So just maybe I need to celebrate the time I have with those who are still in arm’s reach and make memories that will live on even when my heavenly journey comes. I’m glad Y2K didn’t take us all out at once. It gives me confidence that God has a plan that even the most brilliant scientists cannot predict. Here is to 2024 and spending more time with others in person than on our intelligent devices. 

In Him,



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