Sunday, May 5, 2024

I Could Have and Should Have Handled that Differently………..


How do you apologize when you step beyond a line and into another person’s business? What are the right words or actions to admit you were wrong and beg forgiveness? The truth is even in admitting you’re wrong, you will mess up again. Once I heard that saying your sorry means you will never do that again. But who can really guarantee that they won’t screw up? Not me that is for sure. I try to guard my words and actions but the truth is I screw up over and over. An apology is an admission of our mistake or poor choice and recognizing that is powerful. But we are all human and that keeps us from ever being perfect in any way. 

Then there are the times we apologize for what we should not apologize for. Telling the truth is tough but sometimes necessary. If we love someone do we let them run into the street with traffic? No, there are times we should not apologize for being brutally honest with one another. It may be difficult to hear but it needs to be said. Hopefully, after the initial anger the recipient will let our words sink in and recognize they were spoken with love and concern. 

What is most frustrating is when someone says sorry with that obnoxious tone that oozes insincerity. That is worse than no apology at all. 

There is something to be said about not my monkeys not my circus or stay in your own lane. But are we really supposed never supposed to share our concerns with those we love? What kind of a relationship is it if we watch our words. Yes, unsolicited advice is not okay in most incidences. How I fold my towels, cook my pasta, or plant a garden is not something you need to change in me. But if I am recklessly living in a way that will harm me or isolate me it is important that my close friends are unapologetically honest with me. Better to risk alienating those we love with the truth than see them fall deeper into unhealthy situations. 

Recently, I apologized to someone close to me for sharing my concerns. It was important to apologize about how I handled it not for my concerns themselves. I absolutely handled the whole situation wrong but I know it has opened a conversation that needs to be had. So today, before more words are said I need to pray for direction and the best way I know how to do that is to pray Lissy’s prayer.

Lord above comfort me. Give me courage, help me see. Guide my actions, guide my words. Let me know my prayers are heard. Today, I need comfort from this brokenness, courage to be honest with my concerns, direction for my words and actions and to know that God has our relationship in His all powerful hands. I am confident that the tear between us can be stitched back together but first prayer. 

So yes apologize even if you it doesn’t change your heart. But don’t be impatient demanding the other person forgive you. There is a time to let hearts mend without an urgency to push. This is one of those times. 

In Him,



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