Friday, June 21, 2024

Catching Up on Blogging and Happy Birthday My Beautiful Mom

 Where have I been? What have I been doing since I have not been pressing keys on my keyboard to blog?  Well, I am not sure why I had this two plus month writer-less dry spell. It just didn’t happen. Even today, I find myself forcing myself to pick up the keypad. So here I go in filling you in on my adventures these past few months……..

We went to the eclipse and then on to the Padre Islands in Texas. Let me just say that I loved swimming in the Gulf of Mexico. The sand was like silk, there were gentle breakers, and the water was so warm that I could linger in it for hours. Heaven on earth

would say.

Early May I got to be present at the birth of my great-granddaughter with Jenn. Elissa did fabulous and she is the best mom to our little Mayve and her twenty month old, Caleb. As the weather got warmer in New Mexico, we were able to enjoy the backyard with the park and splash pad. Caleb is quite the adventurer and a bit exhausting. My sixty-eight year old energy is no match for his not even two yet energy. 

Nate flew down to pick up a car for Cameron’s family and brought Felix. Felix rode with Ronnie B and me in the RV to Washington. He was terrific and such a fun addition to our trip. His four year old exploring and seeing everything with enthusiasm was refreshing. Hopefully, this is the first of many Felix, Noni, and Papa trips. 

We were headed to Washington to visit but also to be at Kenzie’s graduation. What a whirlwind couple of weeks. The girls had concerts, Tim graduated eighth grade right after Kenzie graduated high school. Parties, barbecues and wonderful time with family was on the calendar. Ron and I parked our little casita on wheels in several different places as we spent time visiting. 

The plan was for me to fly back to New Mexico to get ready for our sail trip to the Bahamas. Natalie was diagnosed with Hashimoto disease and I decided to stay and fly with Ron from Washington. There was a bit of logistics to work out since I didn’t go home and had not packed or set up people to look after things. But it has all worked out. 

I might add that we sold our kid’s childhood home that we purchased in 1990 a couple weeks ago. Maybe all the efforts we put in to getting it ready is another reason for not blogging. We worked our tails off along with our friend John who did more than we even asked him to do. What a guy. Ron and he enjoyed working together on the house and along with sweatequity was a good amount of conversation and joy. So now we never have to work on fixing up a rental again. What a big sigh of relief. 

So that is about what the last few months have looked like. Currently I am sitting at Paul and Cindy’s drinking coffee and preparing to spend the day relaxing with one of the books Natalie gifted me. Tomorrow we are off to a community garage sale at Cam and Britt’s neighborhood then a dinner on Sunday with the whole family. It has been wonderful to spend extended time with everyone although I miss my Los Alamos peeps and coffee with Jenn. When I get back home in mid July I am staying put for a bit. Even with all our wandering the truth is I am a homebody at heart. My travel schedule would not support that fact. Ronnie B might be good just living on the road full time. Good thing archeology takes him on trips without me so we both get our heart’s desires. 

Thanks for catching up with me. I am hopeful to begin writing again and sharing my heart with you. Until tomorrow???? enjoy your day.

In Him,



Happy Heavenly Birthday Mom! Hope you, Dad and Teri are celebrating your day together. Heck, even your parents are there      . I may be missing you all but I will be thinking of you on your day, the longest day of the year  

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