Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A Phone Call from My Aunties


Three sisters~ Aunt Judy, Mom, and Aunt Laura

My sweet Aunt Laura is almost ninety-four years old. She is a hoot. Last night she called me since it was not only my son’s birthday but my parent’s anniversary. I can expect a phone call on my family in heaven’s birthdays and other special days from Aunt Laura. When I ask how she is the predictable answer she gives is that she is blessed and highly favored. It is comforting to have my aunt remind me of good times she and I shared roller skating and just enjoying one another. The past couple years she has been dealing with a broken hip. But oh the grace and joy she lives through the pain. I can truly say that I have never heard her complain. What an example of living with an attitude of even if not what if. 

The call always ends with her giving me a blessing. This always impacts me. Her words of what needs to get done will get done mattered especially this week because I have a deadline looming on Friday. As usual, I have been procrastinating getting my ducks in a row. Now I have a cold with all the aches and boogers. You can imagine that I am beating myself up for not taking care of business earlier. But that is who I am. Waiting until the last minute and then wondering if there is a way I can postpone or bow out.  So my Aunt’s words to God’s ears saying I will get done what needs to be done gives me hope that even between blowing my nose and slathering on Vicks, I will go into my meeting well prepared. Thank you Aunt Laura for knowing just the words and encouragement I need to accomplish the tasks before me. 

Having my mom, dad, and only sibling in heaven makes it tough. When I want to call them or just reach out to someone who has been in my life since day one, they are just not here. But my mom’s sisters are and check in with me regularly. Aunt Judy and Aunt Laura are here to remind me of the love we share. I know that when I see their numbers on my phone that I am not alone. They call me Barbara as they did when I was young. My aunties still see me as the little girl who doesn’t have white hair and wrinkles. To them I am a niece that they encourage and care for even as I slip into old age right behind them. I am beyond grateful for them and their love. 

In Him,



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