Friday, September 20, 2024

Little Stinker in my House


There was a little stinker in my house. It just waltzed in through the back door and was exploring the hallway. Boy was this a shock to Jakub when he opened his door and saw a skunk a couple yards from where he was standing. Thankfully, the critter left on its own and decided there was no reason to leave a stranger scent behind.  I wish I could have seen Jakub’s face when he realized there was a skunk in such close proximity. When Jakub came here from the Czech Republic he told us he wanted to see a skunk and a raccoon. Wish granted. He didn’t say he wanted to get sprayed by a skunk and luckily he didn’t have to experience that.

Living with so much wildlife keeps life interesting. Even after years of having deer, bears, and others in our yard, we still get excited to catch a glimpse of our neighborly lawn mowers and fruit eaters. This is the time of year the bears are fattening up for winter and are eating our apples that fall from the tree. The deer are hungry too and leave deposits to fertilize our lawn as they feast on the fallen fruit. 

You would think with all these visitors that we live in the woods like Susi and Mark. We actually live in the middle of town right on a park with a lot of activity. All our four legged visitors is just one more reason we love living here on this high desert mesa in New Mexico. 

In Him,



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