Thursday, September 5, 2024

Repair or Replace? There Comes a Time When the Choice is Clear

 Repair or replace is a question we all face when we have a broken something in our lives. Too often our first instinct is to run to Amazon or a divorce court rather than doing the work to fix it. Ronnie B is so good at repairing anything and everything but there comes a time for even Mr. Duct Tape to recognize that replacing is the better option. 

I must admit that I have been a bit frustrated that Ron has not seen a need to replace his older vehicles. My sweet husband gets comfortable with what he has and doesn’t want to let go and move on. The past few months he has recognized that a newer vehicle is not a desire but a necessity. My hope was he would spend a good amount to get a reliable vehicle that was built in this decade. He deserves to have something awesome for all his hard work and generosity toward others. But he insisted he could replace his 2000 pickup with one under 10,000 dollars. Hello! That did not seem possible unless he was getting something almost like the one he currently drives. But this man did it. He found a truck that seats five with the same miles and a year newer than mine. So he was once again right and I admitted it to him. His beautiful, red truck should be ready for us to get this weekend. 

Okay, he was right about not spending 25,000 on a truck but could he once and for all put the running pants that I had since eighth grade aside and upgrade those? Nope. Luckily, he has wonderful, understanding friends like Sandy, Pat and Paula who are willing to sew them back together as best they can. 

As much as I want Ron to treat himself to nicer things, I am thankful that he is not someone who wastes. It would be hard to have a driveway full of man toys and worry about debt. Because of who he is more than because of me, we have a financial security in retirement that is a comfort. But hello, could he just know that he deserves to enjoy the fruits of his labors. We do have a flat screen tv now. But that didn’t happen until our old butt tv was completely dead. 

Now that the truck issue is about to be resolved it is time to seriously look for an rv that is hopefully in this century. Our 1989 motor home is not replaced because of Ron alone. Both of us just can’t seem to find one we like as well as the one we have. But here we are with a forty-five year old home away from home that keeps reminding us that the repairs that Ron does may not keep it running forever. After all, they shoot horses don’t they? Or perhaps it just will be put out to pasture for a family that needs an extra bedroom in their driveway. 

In Him,



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