Monday, September 23, 2024

Yes is for Forever


Oh how I love this verse assuring me that He makes it a sure thing for me to be His and for Him to be mine. There is nothing that can separate me from the love He has for me. I can’t lose it. I didn’t earn it. It was freely given to me and I am moving forward day by day, moment by moment in an everlasting relationship with Him. In this truth I can rest and live with that peace beyond understanding that the Bible talks about. It is not what if but even if life’s storms come that I am not alone. He is not only always here with me but has brought angels in the form of family and friends to walk beside me as well. 

Loneliness is different than being alone. Each of us needs time to be by ourselves with our thoughts and feelings. But loneliness is believing that there is not one person I can reach out and share my heartbreaks with. Not only does God already know me inside and out but He accepts me even when I am at my most vulnerable. Go to God. Then trust that He has placed others you can trust with your open wounds, triumphs and truths. If you count on your fingers those people who can handle your truth, there may be a finger or two extra. Typically, I share my inner most self with one, two, maybe three of you. That doesn’t mean that I don’t trust others but that I need to stop repeating and get to moving forward with the guidance I have been given. There are even different people to lift me up for various situations. Find your people. Speak to God about who those people are and when you can share……..share.

Don’t hold back. Share your heart that takes real courage. God knows how frightening it can be to be completely vulnerable. Do it scared. It is not okay for me to isolate myself. I am made to be in relationship with God first and also with others. This doesn’t mean I let everyone in but it does mean that I don’t keep everyone out. Praying who to trust leads me to the right person to confide in. 

I belong. You belong. He has said yes to us and we need to say yes to each other. 

In Him,

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