Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Comfy Cozy

Comfy cozy. Yesterday evening I got an ocular migraine after a wonderful day. Work was great, Ron and I went for a walk then made dinner together. As we sat down to watch the teli, it started. This is not me whining. Almost three decades ago I discovered I could abort a migraine with niacin. It lessens the dipilitating headache but doesn't get me off without a disruption of plans. As always the niacin flush did the trick. I went to bed early to try to help. So this morning I still woke up with a throbbing noggin but thankfully not the 36 hour migraine of my past. 

This morning I am grateful that I can remain comfy cozy and work from home for a few hours. Kylie dog is laying beside me under the blanket, caffeine warm on the table, fireplace keeping us toasty and Ronnie B. still snoozing in bed. My day is not starting out as planned but I will take it. Soon the caffeine and Tylenol will kick in and I will feel up to getting on with my day. Until then, Kylie and I will enjoy a bit more comfy cozy time with each other.

In Him,

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