Thursday, February 2, 2017

Courage and Patience is what Moms are made of

I had the pleasure yesterday of having lunch and attending a school conference with two incredible moms. These amazing ladies both homeschool their 5 kids. When they get together on Wednesdays for Social Studies their are 10 enthusiastic kids running around. It is a marvel to see how they get them settled, motivated, educated, and fed, all with smiles on their faces. The cleanup is quick with so many hands and then one piles her mob into the minivan to go home for more learning.

Yesteday, we had transition conferences to see if their almost 3 year olds will qualify for the districts preschool program. This was a tough meeting on many levels. These protective moms like to have a hand in their kiddos learning at all times. Even with that they both came to sit down and hear what the district could offer. Because doing what is right for their kids is greater than their hearts for keeping them home. The meeting didn't show the district in the best light. They didn't have the paperwork we had delivered before Christmas. Hadn't looked closely at their own calendar and didn't realize they had a meeting for the second kiddo until they double checked their own calendar. What a poor impression! When asked a question the director of special ed had to back track her first answer when confronted with the facts. I was sad that these two moms who worked up the courage to come to this meeting and consider trusting their precious littles to our school district were subjected to such haphazard attitudes.

Needless to say, it was not a pleasant conversation when we got back out into the fresh air. But the truth is, these moms both love their kids more than they dislike the district employees we met with today. I know that they will prayerfully consider what is best for each of their kiddos and make the decision that is best for each of them.  After all, courage and patience are what moms are made of.

In Him,

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