Monday, March 25, 2024

Also Each of Us Can Go Above and Beyond with One Another this Week


More than is asked for or required is what I want to give. When someone asks for a favor I want to do that favor and a bit extra. Today, some young men are spending their first day of spring break cleaning my yard. The house they are at has been a rental and just let me say the weeds are as high as my eye. I will be paying them well for their efforts but probably give more cash than asked for. But also I am going to go take drinks and snacks for them to energize and keep going.

 The little things that are above and beyond makes others more likely to be there for us when we need someone to go above and beyond for us. This morning my Bible study spoke of an Also ministry. The idea is the same that you do what is needed but also add a little extra. It matters. Susi recently told me about giving some cash to a seemingly homeless man in a parking lot. The cash was no doubt appreciated but she also had a conversation with him about his story. Taking a few minutes to listen is so powerful. I know I feel good when someone is willing to hear me. You reading right now honors me more than you can know. 

This poem spoke to me even though powerful should only have one l. I get sidetracked from what is important. But that we need to listen to God and one another with both ears and eye contact is the best way to make them feel heard. It gets to the heart of your relationship. The cell phone can wait while we stay uninterruptingly present. Statistics say we spend less and less time really focused on a conversation with others than we ever have before. That makes me sad because I believe we also need those extras more than ever before.

 I am the most guilty of what I call multi-tasking but is really my shifting my focus when I absolutely should not. It is time for me to shower and go get donuts for my workers. At least I am starting off the day/week in the right direction. Hope you have a good Holy Week and know that your above and beyond by reading my thoughts is so appreciated. 

In Him,

Happy 16th birthday to my beautiful grandgirl, Kayla. Noni loves you. 

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