Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Really Look at the Treasures in Your Home

Take a few minutes to look around your home. I know we see what is in our home all the time. But just humor me and look a little closer at what occupies space around you. I look at this picture and I see a high chair that means I have a great-grandson who spends time with me along with his mama. The plant on my table is from a neighbor who is now with Jesus. I am grateful that this plant still lives as do the memories of her in my heart. The red vase was one of two. I have no idea what happened to the other one. But I am thankful that this one is here. They were my mom’s prized possesion. They sat on our buffet and I often held concerts with the crystal stopper as my microphone. Mom never complained although she probably was concerned that I would somehow drop and break it. My joy was worth the risk. The wall hanging was the last birthday present I gave my sister. She was all about her fingernails and this was perfect for her to display her polishes. She never was able to girlie me up to spend time on my nails, use all the lotions and potions she gave me, or spend much time on makeup. But now this holds my shot glass collection. Every trip we go on I try to find a shot glass as a memory of the trip. It is not that I am a big drinker but that shot glasses are small and easy to pack away. Now I have the perfect way to display those fond memories.  My grandkids love drinking out of them and picking just the one they want to use. They could also drop one and break it like I could have my mom’s vase. But the joy they get is worth the risk and I want to be more like my mom. 

Take some time to really look at all the treasures in your home and smile as you recall the back story. Why is it present? Who does it remind you of? If there are no ahhh moments that are stirred up then perhaps you could gift it to someone else. Then when they walk pass it in their home, it will remind them of you. 

In Him,


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