Monday, August 12, 2024

Me Focus not You Focus


Stop telling me…………I need to figure this out on my own. Hmmmmm others give me advice or chime in because they want to make life easier for me. But do I listen? Not most of the time I don’t. So when should we speak up? When should we shut up? I don’t know if this is true for you but I am much better at telling others what they should do than doing what I should do. So why am I sharing my thoughts on advice today? Funny you should ask. 

The first thing I do most mornings is grab a cup of coffee, black coffee. Then I go to my favorite spot to do my Bible study with my dog laying at my feet after a good romp around the backyard. Something usually inspires me to write my blog. But more often than not I find myself forwarding a note from my studies to someone else believing they are the ones who need the wisdom of the words. Rarely do I think what I am reading or viewing is to correct a wrong in my own life. My daughter, Natalie, can confirm this because she too often wakes up to unsolicited life changing content in her inbox. 

So when do I learn to just receive a word from God for me and quit thinking of myself as a conduit to bless others? That lesson can’t be learned soon enough. First of all, I miss out on His communication for me by focusing on others and second I am assuming anyone wants me to share. I need to remember all the financial and political papers Ron’s dad sent us through the old snail mail that we threw directly in the trash without reading. He had to take some real effort to get those earth shattering truths to us. Back then it took an envelope, a copier, stamps and a whole lot of time but we did not receive his thoughtfulness with enthusiasm. It was just another Bob package that we did not ask for, did not want, and discarded unread. Now it is much simpler to push my you must read this articles on others. A simple touch of the share button and it is clogging up their inbox. They can simply delete and probably do. I know I rarely read the items others send me. Should I admit that? But the truth is all of us have access to the internet and can find what we are looking for without others help.

There are those that appreciate our sharing when it is not too often. I know I am more likely to read something that comes from a source once a year not twice a day. What I am learning is to be more discerning about what I share and with whom. Also I need to just absorb information and relate it to my own life rather than believing it will be the perfect bandaid for their boo-boo. But it is easier to see the problems in their lives than to look at my own and lean in to changing myself. 

So here I sit advising you to stop advising me. Now that is even hard to say with a straight face. By the way Christy Wright’s podcast Get Your Hopes Up is one of my favorites. Check it out……….if you want to.

In Him,



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