Monday, September 16, 2024

Rainy Day and it is Monday Simply Peaceful and Pleasant Day at Home

 It is a cooler rainy day here in Los Alamos. Good day to sip coffee under a fluffy blanket and do my morning sit down….Bible study then writing here with my keyboard. Even our border collie mix pup is taking the cue to sleep in. I love days like today as long as I don’t have to be outdoors. Today I had already planned to spend the day on bills and paperwork. So this is perfect. God’s timing once again is perfect for my schedule. 

Ron’s mom’s desk is in our family room looking out at our backyard and the park. What a perfect spot to slide over to after my blog. I will get up and take a quick pic to share the beauty I get to look out and enjoy. Rainy days and Mondays don’t get me down when I am retired and doing what I love. It is so peaceful and pleasant. 

Soon the fall colors will make this window view even more impressive. Although I adore summer’s warmth, I am so glad Ronnie B and I live where there are four distinct seasons. There is not one that I love more than the others rather I am glad that  in the changing we get to enjoy each of them. 

In Him,

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