Saturday, April 12, 2014

Heartfelt Words, The Most Precious of Birthday Gifts

Heartfelt words from my most loving daughter are truly the best 
birthday gift this mom could have received.
Thank you my Natalie for this incredibly humbling letter.

Happy Birthday
to my Real Mom
I want you to know that I love  you more than I show. More than my actions show. 
I am a selfish girl who is being wooed by Jesus....
who was raised by the most selfless parents. For this I am eternally blessed.
You've shown me the kind of woman I aspire to be. 
You've molded and formed me I'm not there yet, but I'm past the start.
I constantly have words percolating in my brain, words for you,
words for dad, that just haven't made their way down to paper yet.

This marks me beginning to be more intentional.
I want to love you right, the way you deserve to be loved.
To honor you as my mother and my chosen best friend.
You've impacted me more than you'll ever know. 
You are the best mother and God knows that I am so blessed by you.
Thank you for always loving me with Christ.
For loving me the way we are supposed to love. 
You forgive me when I don't deserve it, you have more grace than anyone else, 
and I see Jesus when I see you.

I love you so much, more than dirt!
I love your randomness, your tender heart 
and the "yes" that is always the call of your heart.


In Him,

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