Monday, November 23, 2015

So Simple~Right?!

Oh how simple this sounds. 
3 little pieces of advice.
Each of us knows that this is the recipe.
Food can be our fuel source making us healthier
or keeping us awake at night and sluggish during the day.
Exercise can be our friend~ WHAT?!
Of course we know that is true
but it is so hard to do.
Getting started a little each day
could become a healthy routine
if I get up off this couch.
Stress deprives us of our health and joy.
We all know we are to let God and let go
but it is so easy to think we alone can solve all our problems 
as well as trying to move obstacles in others lives.

Pick one food to eliminate.
Walk up the stairs.

Especially in the next month of this joyful season we need to key in on these three.
It takes focus, planning and desire.
Spend time believing that it really isn't about the perfect gravy,
or who purchase the most thoughtful gift.
It really is about families accepting one another just as they are
not judging for how we fall short.

I wish you all a Thanksgiving week and Christmas season 
in which you love yourself as much as you deserve.
I know I am going to try self love.
Less obsession on where I fail and need to change 
and more focus on ways I am succeeding.

In Him,

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