Monday, October 23, 2023

Others Don’t Want to Attend my Pity Party

 Did you ever focus so much on what you are dealing with in life that you didn’t see the situation that could slam into you like a Mack truck? I know that each of us deals with struggles and can get pretty focused on our own stuff. Lately, I have been way too self focused on mine. A few days ago I called a loved one to fill him in on what is happening with me and mine not realizing that a big life change was occurring in his life. I never paused enough to allow him to share what he was dealing with. Oh how horrible I feel when I heard he told another family member that he didn’t want to burden me with his struggle because I had too much on my plate already. 

I am heartsick to think that I have been so self involved that I am unavailable to others who may be dealing with even bigger burdens than I am. Also, can I just admit that none of us wants to be around a negative Nelly like I have been lately. So today I have decided that I need to get up, shower, put on my big girl panties, a bit of makeup and turn my gaze outward not inward. 

Years ago I wrote a blog about the woman who had other signs over every door in her small apartment. She was dying of cancer alone and in a place with only two doors. Her belief was the harder life gets the more you should do for others. At this stage of her life, all she could do was call volunteers not actually volunteer herself. Yes, she was volunteering to recruit and connect with people even in her final days. None of my woes are so life shattering but here I sit focused on me and expecting others to focus on me as well. Time to shift my outlook. Who knows others may need me for a change. After all, that is who I want to be, am called to be, and enjoy being. 

Now if any of you are having your own pity party, pick up the phone and check on someone else. Put to use your two ears and limit your one mouth. This way we all can be of a help and support not just looking in our own mirror. Good. I feel better for admitting this and sharing how stuck I have been for the past few months. My word this year is release not pity party. Time to release my selfish spirit and embrace others as they embrace me. 

In Him,



1 comment:

  1. Oh, your words are wise, encouraging yourself and us all to reach out to comfort others even as we face difficult situations. Well done, you noticed your pity party and are now looking for others you can help which is a reminder to me to do the same.
